140 EX/28 - page 4

Of course, a joint UNESCO-Security Council programme would raise questions of independence and would require co-operation and mutual respect and influence. There are dangers, but at the same time there are opportunities. The Security Council could provide to UNESCO a new source of funding and a political role in the drafting of peace accords which would legitimize a formal UNESCO role in the development of democratic structures in the country concerned. At the same time, UNESCO could provide to the Security Council the opportunity to supplement its role of peace-keeping with a role of peace-building. Without a programme of peace culture integrated with the blue berets, these military forces may perpetuate rather than provide an alternative to a military solution.


Why create yet another programme, when we have so many UNESCO programmes already? Couldn't the job be done by the existing organizational structure of UNESCO?


Because of the enormous difficulty of the task, especially the later more global stages of the peace culture, this proposal envisions a dramatic change from past practice. The new type of centre would not develop an institutional structure with vested interests of career. Instead, professionals would be borrowed from UNESCO and other international organizations.

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