
(i) Actions to promote respect for human rights [Inputs to this section were provided by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.]

52. The elaboration and international acceptance of universal human rights, especially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, has been one of the most important steps towards the transition from a culture of war and violence to a culture of peace and non-violence. It calls for a transformation of values, attitudes and behaviours from whose which would benefit exclusively the clan, the tribe or the nation towards those which benefit the entire human family. Hence, the promotion of human rights at both individual and collective levels is at the heart of proposals for a programme of action.

53. Human rights education, not only as abstract knowledge, but through participatory practice, deserves high priority so that the basic principles of human rights, as expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other normative instruments adopted by the United Nations, become part of the consciousness of every person. Renewed effort is needed for implementation of the actions recommended by the World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, 1993) and the International Congress on Education for Human Rights and Democracy (Montreal 1993) in the framework of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004). Priority should be given to the mid-term global evaluation of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education in the Year 2000, identifying remaining shortcomings and needs and recommending additional actions with a wide range of partnerships.

54. In particular, national plans of action for human rights education should be developed along the guidelines developed by the Decade for Human Rights Education, as well as regional and local programmes. These should, inter alia, incorporate international human rights standards into national laws and policies and build or strengthen national institutions and organizations capable of protecting and promoting human rights and democracy under the rule of law. Training materials need to be developed and used among specific target groups, including prison officials, primary and secondary school teachers, judges and lawyers, national and local NGOs, journalists, human rights monitors, parliamentarians, agents of law enforcement and those in the military. The publication and dissemination of human rights information materials in the framework of the World Public Information Campaign for Human Rights should be expanded and reinforced. The goal should be achieved of global dissemination of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the maximum number of possible languages and forms appropriate for various levels of literacy and for the disabled. This may include publication and dissemination of popular and pedagogical versions of the Universal Declaration, and dissemination of its message via the mass media, including in forms, such as games and short messages by well known sports or art personalities, that are relevant for children and youth.

55. The right to development and its realization deserves special emphasis among the areas contemplated for further promotion of human rights in the context of actions for a culture of peace. The right to development should be considered as an integral part of fundamental human rights to be promoted and protected. In order that all may benefit, economic growth needs to be broad-based, people-centred and sustainable, founded upon democracy and transparent and accountable governance and administration in all sectors of society.

56. Further reflection should be undertaken on the human right to peace which was examined by the International Consultation of Government Experts on the Human Right to Peace at UNESCO in March 1998 and which will be considered by the UNESCO General Conference at its 30th session in 1999.

57. Support should be given to the institution and networking of ombudsmen and commissioners for human rights and a culture of peace. Experience of the Ibero-American network of ombudsmen have shown that they can play an important role in the protection, education, training and promotion of human rights, the strengthening of social justice and the development of a culture of peace. A similar role may be played by the office of Commissioner for Human Rights recently proposed by the Council of Europe for the promotion of respect for human rights in the Member States.

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