The Culture of Peace News Network (CPNN) is a multi-lingual, on-line, interactive system launched by UNESCO during the International year for the Culture of Peace (2000) and recognized by UN General Assembly resolution A-61-45 (see paragraph 9) as a contribution to the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010). This network is run by volunteers and provides up-to-date coverage of news and media promoting a culture of peace. I am pleased to announce a new CPNN website ( ) designed to report on the advances toward a culture of peace throughout the world. This website is essential because culture of peace news is seldom reported by the mass media, which focuses on war and violence. It replaces a previous site that had been limited to news from the United States. The new website is simple to use. Just go to and write your own news report about events or media that promote a culture of peace. It may be something that you and your organization have done, or something that your read or saw in the media that promotes one or more aspects of a culture of peace (human rights, democratic participation, understanding, tolerance and solidarity, sustainable development, free flow of information, equality of women, peace education or disarmament). Also add your comments to the hundreds of comments that have already been submitted. Your comments may be on your own story or to any story previously submitted. News reports may be in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese while discussion comments may be in any language. Hopefully, in a few years we will have other websites in other language scripts. If you have further questions about the new website, please contact