The Activity of Single Cells in the Midbrain and Hypothalamus of the Cat during Affective Defense Behavior
Figure 10: Cells inhibited during various manipulations of cat. Page 25
cells inhibited by various manipulations

Cell R1 from the midline thalamus is shown inhibited during clicks (C) and opening of cage prior to a display of affective defense (A). Cell T3 from the posterior hypothalamus is shown inhibited during banging (B) and opening of cage prior to a display of affective defehse (A). Note that the background multineurohal activity is also inhibited along with T3 and R1. Cell O5 from the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus is shown inhibited during light flashes (F) and opening of cage prior to a display of affective defense. Cell X6 from the ventromedial nucleus is shown inhibited during opening of cage, while cell X5 on the same record (larger spikes) is facilitated.

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