Plans have also been made to present it to the Academy of Sciences in Poland, European Psycholoqists for Peace meeting August in Finland, the International Political Science Association, International Society for Human Ethology, American Anthropological Association, American Association for Physical Anthropology, International Society for Study of Behavioral Development, European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, German Psychological Association, various groups in Scandinavia, etc., etc If you will keep me informed of the groups you have contacted and the results of their deliberations, I will circulate the information to everyone Two hooks are being planned to support the Statement. First, the proceedings of the Seville Coloquio are going to be published this Fall in Seville, under the editorship of Martin Ramirez, Robert Hinde, and Jo Groebel, Second, there are plans underway for a more formal, commercial volume that would include the Statement and original papers that provide a scientific foundation for it. Robert Hinde and Jo Groebel have agreed to work on the second. Once the detailed prospectuses for the two books are in hand, Ben Ginsburg and Paul Scott have agreed to help seek financial support for them from major foundations. Many people have asked about how they can support our effort. For the moment, we are asking them to help in the ongoing process of gaining publicity, gathering support from national UNESCO commissions and scientific, educational. and peace organizations, and preparing and financing the supporting books. Hopefully, UNESCO will formally adopt the Statement and initiate a much wider process of dissemination that we can then help to support. In the meantime, I will try to enlarge the mailing list — now at 75 ~ for this newsletter, if you will send me names and addresses of those whose names should be added, In the words of our colleague, Federico Mayor Zaragoza, we are developing a “snowball” of discussion and support for the Seville Statement. We hope that the United Nations can give it the added momentum it needs to make a real impact upon the world‘s consciousness - to empower humanity with confidence to undertake the transformative tasks needed in the International Year of Peace and in the years to come. Peace, David Adams