--- In Germany Dr. Hanne�Margret Birckenbach has published a synopsis of the Statement in a new book, the Political Psychology of Peace (in German). In Sweden, Dr. Riitta Wahlstrom has published the Seville Statement as an appendix to her booklet on Enemy Images and Peace Education, distributed by the Department of Educational and Psychological Research of the Malmo School of Education, University of Lund (September, 1989). In Poland, it is being disseminated by Dr. Ija Pawlowska of the University of Lodz. In Greece, Dr. Dimitra Papadopoulou of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki has had the Yamoussoukro Declaration translated into Greek and distri- buted to various agencies around the world, And while in New Zealand, Seville signatory Jo Groebel of Germany presented the Statement to the International Conference of Mental Health and was interviewed about it for a major weekly magazine. --- In Montreal, Canada, there has been a special use of the Seville Statement in response to the violent tragedy when 14 young women were killed by a man armed with an automatic rifle at the Polytechical Institute. Dr. Francois Borgeat, Chairman of the Psychiatry Department at the University of Montreal, has written to say that the Department has endorsed the Seville Statement and used it in responding to the tragedy. We have also received a letter from Serge Mongeau in Montreal, who is publishing and publicizing the Statement in response to the killings, writing an article for Option- Paix and for a book Faire la Paix. --- In the United States, there are many new initiatives. Widespread distribution was given by publication of the text of the Statement in The American Baha'i, Volume 20, No. 1, January, 1989. The Statement will also be published in full in a new book by Alfie Kohn, entitled The Brighter Side of Human Nature: Altruism and Empathy in Everyday Life (Basic Books, 1990). Thanks to the initiative of Dr. Judith Kovacs- Long, a synopsis was published in the May, 1989, issue of TACD Guidelines (Texas Association for Counseling and Development. Editor Hank Talkington (since deceased), published the Statement in Science and Nature, 1989, Nos. 9/l0, pp. 160-163. Thanks to Peter Zuckerman, the Seville Statement has been endorsed by the convention of Veterans for Peace, which included delegates from Canada, U.K., USSR, Israel, and Japan, as well as the U.S. hosts. As editor of a new journal, called The Peacebuilder Mr. Zuckerman has included in its first number an article on the Seville Statement by your editor, David Adams, entitled The Species who Invented War Is Capable of Inventing Peace. At the initiative of Dr. Edith Freeman, the Seville Statement was the subject of a conference sponsored by the Marin County Psychologists for Social Responsibility in California on November 10. Rabbi Rav Soloff used the Statement for his Confirmation Class and Study Groups at Beth Sholom Congregation in Johnstown, PA. Psychologist Zick Rubin is planning to include the Statement in the revision of his textbook, Psychology: Being Human, published by Harper and Row. Sociology Professor Alfred McClug Lee is sending it to several sociological and humanist publications. Sociologist Jen Hlavacek has included a note on the Statement in the newsletter of the Peace and War section of the American Sociological Association which he edits, and tells of an initiative to obtain endorsement from the section and perhaps from the ASA itself. --- Perhaps the most important development is the widespread use of the Statement in the classroom by teachers and schoolchildren. We have received letters from the following schools: Tampa FL, Mansfield OH, Crosby TX, Bird Island and Mound MN, Carizozo NM, Red Oak IA, Gloucester Nd, Greenwich CT, and Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. No doubt it is in use in many other schools as well, thanks to information in study guides such as that of the textbook, Psychology: Its Principles and Applications (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich). Seville signatory S.A. Barnett has suggested to UNESCO that they rewrite the Statement in plain words in a form that can be used in schools and universities. --- Finally, Marjorie Malcolm Streeter found the Statement "one of the most heartening documents I have come across in a very long time." She sent us the enclosed brochure version and offers to revise it for use by any group in the Support Network. Peace, David Adams Corresponding Secretary