--- The first results are beginning to come in from dissemination of the Seville Statement brochure published by UNESCO, a copy of which all of you should have received several months ago. In the Netherlands, Piet Dijkstra writes that he has distributed brochures to the Platform of Professional Groups on Peace (jurists, psychologists, teachers, economists, physicians, and biologists), and they have shown an interest to use it in their work. In the U.S. Anne Anderson of Psychologists for Social Responsibility is receiving requests for the brochure and passing them on to us. And in London, Patricia Rogers of the Council for Education in World Citizenship has asked for a "grant request" of 20 copies to promote discussion of the Statement in British schools and to brief possible speakers who can represent the Statement. --- However, we have not yet heard from most of you and would like to know of your successes and difficulties. Although we have made available free brochures so far, now we must begin to charge for them as indicated on the revised order form which is enclosed. Please copy and make these forms available to anyone who might be interested. Note that by the end of the year we should have Spanish and Arabic editions as well. The second English language printing has arrived and been shipped to the U.S. address which is our distribution point. Please note that the minimum order is five copies. --- As indicated in the December newsletter, if you or a group cannot afford the money required to order the brochures in bulk, you may write us with a "grant request" in which you specify the use that will be made of the brochures, We will then use these "grant requests" to try to obtain foundation funding. The foundations require that we show that we have exhausted local sources for funding first. Therefore, please try to find funding within your own organization and country and then, if that fails, send us some documentation of the process so we can include the information in our requests to the foundations. --- The message of the Seville Statement continues to expand into new countries and new disciplines. From Turkey Professor Metin Uzek writes for our publications and wishes to take part in our activities. From the European Civic Center for Conflict Resolution in Subotica, Yugoslavia, Vedran Vucic has requested the brochure on the Seville Statement, and says that he is planning to make a network of organizations and individuals dedicated to stop violence, hatred and war. The address of the Center is Trg cara Jovana, Nenada 15, 24000 Subotica. And from the University of South Carolina in the U.S., Professor Harvey Starr writes that the five propositions of the Seville Statement and explanatory notes are being published in his text of international relations (World Politics: The Menu for Choice. 4th edition, New York: W.H. Freeman, 1992). As far as we know this is the first reference to the Seville Statement in one of the major. established international relations textbooks. --- Finally. as we enter the seventh year Of the Seville Statement Newsletter, it is time for new ideas and input. This is especially so as the time is coming when we may have a second statement on violence that broadens the agenda to include social as well as biological issues. Please send us your ideas for new features and perspectives that might be included, new formats that might be tried, and ways to increase the effectiveness and the distribution of the newsletter. Especially useful would be suggestions that make it less Euro—American centered and more multicultural in its perspective. Peace, David Adams