14 September 1999 Events for IYCP



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Marking the launch of the IYCP, the international forum "Culture and Religion and Central Asia" was opened on 14 September under the patronage of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Mr Askar Akaev and the Director-General of UNESCO. According to the Kyrgyz National Commission for UNESCO, the main goal of the forum is to develop a strategy of international, inter-religious dialogue on the way to a culture of peace which is considered to be the model of civil peace and consent on the threshold of the new century.


The television and radio spots for the IYCP have been publicized.

New Zealand

The launch of the IYCP took place in the new Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa. It opened with the Peace Song written by a local composer and being performed by the St. Mary's College choir. A keynote was addressed by Judge Fred McErea, Senior Youth Court Judge.

More specifically the Launch has taken the form of a Forum, where presentations have been made about activities already taking place by organisations towards the IYCP. Ideas and suggestions were canvassed during an open discussion, and these have been advanced by a small Committee established for this purpose.


La journée du 14 septembre, Journée internationale de la paix, a été célébrée en Ouzbékistan comme un événement majeur dans la vie culturelle et politique du pays. Dans les quatre principales villes, Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara et Khiva, la population a participé en masse aux nombreuses manifestations organisées par le Gouvernement pour exprimer sa volonté de vivre en paix dans le prochain millénaire. A Tashkent en particulier, différentes associations ont décidé d'exprimer leur solidarité avec les communautés défavorisées en organisant des actions de soutien économique et matériel.

Dans chaque ville la collecte de signatures du Manifeste 2000, qui a été un réel succès, a été associée à des conférences scientifiques, des concerts, des danses folklorique, des expositions d'artisanat ainsi que des concours gastronomiques mettant en valeur la cuisine traditionnelle. Des sites historiques renommés à l'échelle mondiale tels que la place de Registan á Samarkande, la place de Poyi Kalon á Boukhara, l'ensemble d'Ichan Kala à Khiva, ainsi que le parc national á Tashkent, ont offert un cadre d'acception á ces événements.

Le Président de la République a adressé une lettre au directeur général de l'UNESCO exprimant son souhait que son pays participe activement au lancement de l'AICP et l'an 2000 a été officiellement proclamé Année internationale de la culture de la paix en Ouzbékistan.


Institutional ceremonies took place for the launch of the IYCP in ASP schools in Islamabad with the participation of Ministry of Education and other government officials, the Pakistan National Commission for UNESCO, teachers, students and parents. Press releases have been issued. Also a press supplement has been prepared on a national level to be issued by the leading newspapers. Essay competitions are taking place in the Grammar School, Rawalpindi, involving teachers and students, for which there will be press releases and press coverage. Finally, the Pakistan National Commission for UNESCO has initiated work on designating a park in Islamabad as a Peace Park on the occasion of the IYCP.

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