14 September 1999 Events for IYCP



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A press conference, with television, radio and written press, officially launched the Year on 13 September, according to the National Commission for UNESCO. It was announced that the Manifesto 2000, translated into Catalan, will be distributed to educational institutions, libraries, city halls and all associations and institutions of the country. During the Year, the Commission will organize workshops, conferences, debates, etc.


The President of the Republic, His Excellency Mr. Alexander Lukashenko, has written to the Director-General of UNESCO, expressing his support for the IYCP and signing the Manifesto 2000. The opening ceremony for the Year took place in the Castle of Mir, which is on the World Heritage List.


Flemish Peace Week was dedicated this year to the International Year for the Culture of Peace. The aim of the Week was to collect 50,000 signatures on the Manifesto, which has been translated into Flemish under the title "Afspraak 2000". The week itself began on 27 September in the Provincial Technical School in the city of Boom, near Antwerp, and was taken up in schools throughout Flanders, where students marked a minute of silence for the victims of violence in the 20th Century. Schools had received an action kit, in different versions for different ages, to enable this moment. On this occasion players of the first class football team of KV Mechelen were also invited to the schol in Boom and signed the "Afspraak 2000". Free information clips have been distributed to the television, radio, newspapers and magazines

During the week of 25 September to 3 October, a "peace truck" will visit 8 Flemish cities and distribute the Manifesto 2000. Throughout the week there were workshops and public events, including film showings of the movie "Paths of Glory", organized by local partners. And on Sunday, 3 October Pax Christi has provided liturgy brochures for a mass dedicated to the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence.

Bosnia and Herzogovina

The launching of the IYCP was organized by UNESCO office in Sarayevo mainly through UNESCO's ASP schoo1s in both entities, the Federation of BiH and Republic of Srpska.

UNESCO's office in Sarajevo has printed posters with the text of Manifesto designed according to the brochure of Manifesto 2000. These, posters were delivered to schools, facu1ties and other places where the signatures for accepting the Manifesto were collected.

1000 booklets "2000 International Year for the Culture of Peace" were also translated and printed, and part of it was delivered to educational and other institutions as well as media in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The TV spot was also translated to local language and Betacam copies made which were delivered to the national and 1ocal TV stations, the radio spots translated in local language, were delivered to the radio stations in BiH.

The main festivity took place in a Sarajevo suburb called Ilidza organized by UNESCO office and UNESCO's Youth Club. For this occasion entertainment programmes and basketball match between the two ASP schoo1s from Sarajevo was organized. The manifestation was opened by Hector Rondon-Fuentes, UNESCO representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ms Ute Henriette Ohoven, UNESCO Special Ambassador for the children in need, pronounced the launching of the IYCP. All participants got T-shirts with the logos "Peace is in our hands" and 2000 International Year for the Culture of Peace. All the participants were invited to sign the Manifesto 2000.

Center for Youth CMOK from Katanj, also marked this day with appropriate cultural and entertaining programmes. In cooperation with a local radio station, they organized the broadcast about the Year 2000 and a quiz on this topic to which the audience took part. De nombreuses écoles appartenant aux réseaux ASP ont souhaité associer un événement majeur dans la vie de l'établissement au lancement de l'AICP : ce fut le cas de l'école "Mehuric" qui a choisi le 14 septembre pour inaugurer son gymnase, alors qu'á Sanski Most ont été officiellement ouvertes deux écoles rénovées avec la participation de l'Unesco. Toutes les écoles associés ont été invitées á participer au lancement de l'Année internationale et á saisir cette occasion pour sensibiliser les élevés, les enseignants et la communauté locale. Dans la plupart des écoles du réseau ASP allant des classes du primaire à la faculté des Sciences de Sarajevo en passant par le collège électrotechnique de Mostar, les enseignants ont consacré toute la journée à la culture de la paix. Avec leurs élèves ils ont organisé de nombreuses manifestations culturelles, artistiques et sportives, et ils ont contacté les médias locaux afin d'attirer l'attention du plus grand nombre.

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